Sunday, May 2, 2010

Experiment 2


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Electroliquid Aggregation quote:

" Man can understand the universe from a quadruped planet. "



The texture I chosen was the fifth one (from left counting)
It is a chinese character, it means "me" in English.
reason of choosing that texture is because both scientist study where human come from and where they will be, which themselves are human too.

The Architecture
Combining everything together
Electro-liquid Aggregation quote:
"Man can understand the universe from a quadruped planet."

Firstly, both of them are famous scientist. Cha
rles Darwin studies where human come from, he suggested that humans are a descended from monkey. On the other side, Stephen Hawkings believes that although we are human, we are special in the universe. Therefore I conclude that both of them are trying to find or understand who we are, where we come from.
As Hawkings seem to have more connection with the skies, the space,therefore I designed
his laboratory on the Upper level. Inside the building there is a lift to help his disabilities.
For Darwin, I designed his laboratory on the lower ground. The reason is that most species evolve from the ocean at the very beginning.
I tried to create the form of the building represents a quadruped animal crawling into the ocean, but at the same time allowing it looking into the sky above. Therefore I thought of placing the building onto a cliff, which increases the motion of the building.

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